Upcoming events!

Volunteer Hours
Every Tuesday, 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Street. Come practice skills and get bikes ready to redistribute. We are going to be planning focused volunteer activities each week based on shop needs as well as rotating bike mechanics practice or, as always, come plug away on our many bicycles that need refurbishing. People of all levels of experience are welcome — we all have some learning to do!

Open Hours
Come by our weekly Open Hours from 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Ave to work on your bike! We have tools, parts, and experienced mechanics on hand to teach you what you need to know to get your bike running well.
Our focus is on repairs and maintenance -- we want you to get your bike back out on the road! Something on your bike feel not quite right? Gears not shifting smoothly? Chain making an annoying squeaking sound? Bring it by! However, this isn't the right space for super involved projects (e.g. building a complete bike out of spare parts), and we occasionally won't have the resources on hand for particular repairs. In those cases we can point you in the right direction for your project!
No cost, but donations are always accepted.
Visite nuestras horas abiertas de 6 a 8pm en 50 Sims Ave. para trabajar en su bicicleta. Tendremos herramientas, piezas y mecánicos experimentados a mano para enseñarle lo que necesita saber para que su bicicleta funcione bien.
Nuestro enfoque está en las reparaciones y el mantenimiento: ¡queremos que vuelva a poner su bicicleta en la carretera! ¿Algo en tu bicicleta no te parece bien? ¿Las marchas no cambian facilmente? ¿La cadena hace un sonido molesto? ¡Tráelo! Sin embargo, este no es el espacio adecuado para proyectos muy complicados (por ejemplo, construir una bicicleta completa con piezas), y ocasionalmente no tendremos los recursos disponibles para reparaciones particulares. En esos casos, podemos indicarle la dirección correcta para su proyecto.
Sin costo, pero siempre se aceptan donaciones.

Volunteer Hours
Every Tuesday, 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Street. Come practice skills and get bikes ready to redistribute. We are going to be planning focused volunteer activities each week based on shop needs as well as rotating bike mechanics practice or, as always, come plug away on our many bicycles that need refurbishing. People of all levels of experience are welcome — we all have some learning to do!

PBC Workshop Series: S24O: Bike Overnights for Beginners!
Itching to go bike touring / camping / adventuring but need more information or a kick in the pants to get going? Join this workshop on the S24O – the "Sub 24-hour Overnight" – where you ride somewhere, sleep, and then ride back home. S24Os are how all grand bikepacking adventures begin! This workshop will review the different kinds of cargo setups, routes and camping spots within one day's ride of Providence, and answer all your questions about living off/with your bicycle. If you want a consult on your setup, bring your sturdiest bike and any bags/basket/panniers you already have. If you want to dive into maps and digital navigation tools, bring a laptop, phone, or tablet. BONUS POINTS: If you want to be a luddite, bring a paper map of Rhode Island and/or Southern New England.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

Open Hours
Come by our weekly Open Hours from 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Ave to work on your bike! We have tools, parts, and experienced mechanics on hand to teach you what you need to know to get your bike running well.
Our focus is on repairs and maintenance -- we want you to get your bike back out on the road! Something on your bike feel not quite right? Gears not shifting smoothly? Chain making an annoying squeaking sound? Bring it by! However, this isn't the right space for super involved projects (e.g. building a complete bike out of spare parts), and we occasionally won't have the resources on hand for particular repairs. In those cases we can point you in the right direction for your project!
No cost, but donations are always accepted.
Visite nuestras horas abiertas de 6 a 8pm en 50 Sims Ave. para trabajar en su bicicleta. Tendremos herramientas, piezas y mecánicos experimentados a mano para enseñarle lo que necesita saber para que su bicicleta funcione bien.
Nuestro enfoque está en las reparaciones y el mantenimiento: ¡queremos que vuelva a poner su bicicleta en la carretera! ¿Algo en tu bicicleta no te parece bien? ¿Las marchas no cambian facilmente? ¿La cadena hace un sonido molesto? ¡Tráelo! Sin embargo, este no es el espacio adecuado para proyectos muy complicados (por ejemplo, construir una bicicleta completa con piezas), y ocasionalmente no tendremos los recursos disponibles para reparaciones particulares. En esos casos, podemos indicarle la dirección correcta para su proyecto.
Sin costo, pero siempre se aceptan donaciones.

Volunteer Hours
Every Tuesday, 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Street. Come practice skills and get bikes ready to redistribute. We are going to be planning focused volunteer activities each week based on shop needs as well as rotating bike mechanics practice or, as always, come plug away on our many bicycles that need refurbishing. People of all levels of experience are welcome — we all have some learning to do!

PBC Workshop Series: Understanding Bike Design and Fit
An introduction into different types of frames and how their shapes impact riding feel. We’ll be learning about the different handling characteristics of front end geometries, wheelbase etc. And the purpose of suspension systems in bicycles. The two workshops on this day would be excellent to take as a set.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

PBC Workshop Series: Tire Science
Everything you ever wanted to know about tires. We’ll cover different tire sizes and their purposes, proper pressure levels, and understanding the physics on how these choices impact you and your bicycle. The two workshops on this day would be excellent to take as a set.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

Open Hours
Come by our weekly Open Hours from 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Ave to work on your bike! We have tools, parts, and experienced mechanics on hand to teach you what you need to know to get your bike running well.
Our focus is on repairs and maintenance -- we want you to get your bike back out on the road! Something on your bike feel not quite right? Gears not shifting smoothly? Chain making an annoying squeaking sound? Bring it by! However, this isn't the right space for super involved projects (e.g. building a complete bike out of spare parts), and we occasionally won't have the resources on hand for particular repairs. In those cases we can point you in the right direction for your project!
No cost, but donations are always accepted.
Visite nuestras horas abiertas de 6 a 8pm en 50 Sims Ave. para trabajar en su bicicleta. Tendremos herramientas, piezas y mecánicos experimentados a mano para enseñarle lo que necesita saber para que su bicicleta funcione bien.
Nuestro enfoque está en las reparaciones y el mantenimiento: ¡queremos que vuelva a poner su bicicleta en la carretera! ¿Algo en tu bicicleta no te parece bien? ¿Las marchas no cambian facilmente? ¿La cadena hace un sonido molesto? ¡Tráelo! Sin embargo, este no es el espacio adecuado para proyectos muy complicados (por ejemplo, construir una bicicleta completa con piezas), y ocasionalmente no tendremos los recursos disponibles para reparaciones particulares. En esos casos, podemos indicarle la dirección correcta para su proyecto.
Sin costo, pero siempre se aceptan donaciones.

PBC Workshop Series: Seed Starting
In this hands-on workshop you’ll learn some basics for starting plants from seed, including: how to set up a zone for starting seeds at home, making a seed-starting soil mix, tips and tricks for germination, and the right times to start different types of plants in so-called Rhode Island. I will provide seed starting medium (organic), containers, and some seeds so we can start planting together. Feel free to bring your own seeds or containers, and come with questions. Wear clothes you don’t mind getting some soil on! This workshop is open to anyone. Fatema has made this workshop free for BIPOC and sliding scale for white people.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

Volunteer Hours
Every Tuesday, 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Street. Come practice skills and get bikes ready to redistribute. We are going to be planning focused volunteer activities each week based on shop needs as well as rotating bike mechanics practice or, as always, come plug away on our many bicycles that need refurbishing. People of all levels of experience are welcome — we all have some learning to do!

PBC Workshop Series: Fuel Your Ride
Curious what foods can add more miles to your ride without feeling like you fell in a ditch? Come to this discussion on macros, calories, and supplements. Let’s separate facts from old news. Taught by Gail, who is a nurse and health coach.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

Open Hours
Come by our weekly Open Hours from 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Ave to work on your bike! We have tools, parts, and experienced mechanics on hand to teach you what you need to know to get your bike running well.
Our focus is on repairs and maintenance -- we want you to get your bike back out on the road! Something on your bike feel not quite right? Gears not shifting smoothly? Chain making an annoying squeaking sound? Bring it by! However, this isn't the right space for super involved projects (e.g. building a complete bike out of spare parts), and we occasionally won't have the resources on hand for particular repairs. In those cases we can point you in the right direction for your project!
No cost, but donations are always accepted.
Visite nuestras horas abiertas de 6 a 8pm en 50 Sims Ave. para trabajar en su bicicleta. Tendremos herramientas, piezas y mecánicos experimentados a mano para enseñarle lo que necesita saber para que su bicicleta funcione bien.
Nuestro enfoque está en las reparaciones y el mantenimiento: ¡queremos que vuelva a poner su bicicleta en la carretera! ¿Algo en tu bicicleta no te parece bien? ¿Las marchas no cambian facilmente? ¿La cadena hace un sonido molesto? ¡Tráelo! Sin embargo, este no es el espacio adecuado para proyectos muy complicados (por ejemplo, construir una bicicleta completa con piezas), y ocasionalmente no tendremos los recursos disponibles para reparaciones particulares. En esos casos, podemos indicarle la dirección correcta para su proyecto.
Sin costo, pero siempre se aceptan donaciones.
PBC Workshop Series: Build a PC
In this workshop we will learn to identify the major components of a computer, learn the major characteristics of each component, and learn how to determine if components are compatible with each other. There will be a PC available for hands on disassembly and reassembly! This workshop is intended for complete beginners who want to become more familiar with their PCs, either to upgrade an existing one or build one from scratch, with a focus on practicality rather than optimization.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

PBC Workshop Series: Computer Aided Design (CAD) Fundamentals – Session 2
Get acquainted with the fundamentals of computer-aided design (CAD) in this two-part workshop! CAD is a very useful tool for visualizing ideas, designing objects in order to build them, or even sketching out the layout of a room or space. We will be teaching how to use Onshape, a powerful tool that is free to use and browser-based (no software to install). These workshops will be sequential – Part 1 will cover two-dimensional (2D) sketching, and Part 2 will cover three-dimensional (3D) modeling. You'll need a laptop computer (let us know if you need to borrow one).
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

Volunteer Hours
Every Tuesday, 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Street. Come practice skills and get bikes ready to redistribute. We are going to be planning focused volunteer activities each week based on shop needs as well as rotating bike mechanics practice or, as always, come plug away on our many bicycles that need refurbishing. People of all levels of experience are welcome — we all have some learning to do!

PBC Workshop Series: Intro to Car Care
In this workshop, we will go over how to do scheduled maintenance, what to know about dashboard warning lights, and how to evaluate and maintain air pressure, the various fluids, and the basic electrical components of a typical car. We’ll also cover what to do if you encounter a mechanical issue, and have lots of time to cover all of the questions participants have. This workshop will have a 30 minute break in the middle, so bring lunch / a snack if you'd like!
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

PBC Workshop Series: Playing With Power Tools
Do power tools look useful and kinda fun but also kind of intimidating and you don't know where to start? In this workshop we'll go over the uses of some basic power tools: drill, impact driver, oscillating saw, reciprocating saw, etc. We'll cover how to use them safely, and just get a lot of practice time so we can get comfy with this stuff. Wear work clothes, and closed toed shoes are required! Bring PPE if you have it, we will have construction masks, safety glasses, and ear plugs if you don't.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

Open Hours
Come by our weekly Open Hours from 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Ave to work on your bike! We have tools, parts, and experienced mechanics on hand to teach you what you need to know to get your bike running well.
Our focus is on repairs and maintenance -- we want you to get your bike back out on the road! Something on your bike feel not quite right? Gears not shifting smoothly? Chain making an annoying squeaking sound? Bring it by! However, this isn't the right space for super involved projects (e.g. building a complete bike out of spare parts), and we occasionally won't have the resources on hand for particular repairs. In those cases we can point you in the right direction for your project!
No cost, but donations are always accepted.
Visite nuestras horas abiertas de 6 a 8pm en 50 Sims Ave. para trabajar en su bicicleta. Tendremos herramientas, piezas y mecánicos experimentados a mano para enseñarle lo que necesita saber para que su bicicleta funcione bien.
Nuestro enfoque está en las reparaciones y el mantenimiento: ¡queremos que vuelva a poner su bicicleta en la carretera! ¿Algo en tu bicicleta no te parece bien? ¿Las marchas no cambian facilmente? ¿La cadena hace un sonido molesto? ¡Tráelo! Sin embargo, este no es el espacio adecuado para proyectos muy complicados (por ejemplo, construir una bicicleta completa con piezas), y ocasionalmente no tendremos los recursos disponibles para reparaciones particulares. En esos casos, podemos indicarle la dirección correcta para su proyecto.
Sin costo, pero siempre se aceptan donaciones.

PBC Workshop Series: Computer Aided Design (CAD) Fundamentals – Session 1
Get acquainted with the fundamentals of computer-aided design (CAD) in this two-part workshop! CAD is a very useful tool for visualizing ideas, designing objects in order to build them, or even sketching out the layout of a room or space. We will be teaching how to use Onshape, a powerful tool that is free to use and browser-based (no software to install). These workshops will be sequential – Part 1 will cover two-dimensional (2D) sketching, and Part 2 will cover three-dimensional (3D) modeling. You'll need a laptop computer (let us know if you need to borrow one).
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

Volunteer Hours
Every Tuesday, 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Street. Come practice skills and get bikes ready to redistribute. We are going to be planning focused volunteer activities each week based on shop needs as well as rotating bike mechanics practice or, as always, come plug away on our many bicycles that need refurbishing. People of all levels of experience are welcome — we all have some learning to do!

PBC Workshop Series: Trigonometry
Come learn some useful math: trigonometry! Taught by Rosy.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

PBC Workshop Series: Holding Stuff Down
Come learn how to tie some useful knots for securing objects (e.g. to the roof of your car, or to a trailer, or to your bike) and how to use ratchet straps! This is a short hands-on workshop, no prior experience needed.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

PBC Workshop Series: Intro to electrical
In this 3 hour workshop, students will get a *very* basic introduction to the electrical trade. We'll learn some of the tools, processes, materials, and safety considerations that electricians use in homes. This class will cover some basic electrical theory and be very hands on. We'll wire an outlet, a switch, and get to see the lights come on! This class is for complete beginners.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

Open Hours
Come by our weekly Open Hours from 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Ave to work on your bike! We have tools, parts, and experienced mechanics on hand to teach you what you need to know to get your bike running well.
Our focus is on repairs and maintenance -- we want you to get your bike back out on the road! Something on your bike feel not quite right? Gears not shifting smoothly? Chain making an annoying squeaking sound? Bring it by! However, this isn't the right space for super involved projects (e.g. building a complete bike out of spare parts), and we occasionally won't have the resources on hand for particular repairs. In those cases we can point you in the right direction for your project!
No cost, but donations are always accepted.
Visite nuestras horas abiertas de 6 a 8pm en 50 Sims Ave. para trabajar en su bicicleta. Tendremos herramientas, piezas y mecánicos experimentados a mano para enseñarle lo que necesita saber para que su bicicleta funcione bien.
Nuestro enfoque está en las reparaciones y el mantenimiento: ¡queremos que vuelva a poner su bicicleta en la carretera! ¿Algo en tu bicicleta no te parece bien? ¿Las marchas no cambian facilmente? ¿La cadena hace un sonido molesto? ¡Tráelo! Sin embargo, este no es el espacio adecuado para proyectos muy complicados (por ejemplo, construir una bicicleta completa con piezas), y ocasionalmente no tendremos los recursos disponibles para reparaciones particulares. En esos casos, podemos indicarle la dirección correcta para su proyecto.
Sin costo, pero siempre se aceptan donaciones.

PBC Workshop Series: Intro to Web Development – Session 2
In this two-part workshop, participants will learn the fundamentals of web development, namely HTML and CSS. We'll demystify the jargon used in the tech industry, familiarize ourselves with the tools used in web development, and get hands-on experience building and styling a simple webpage. This course assumes no prior web development or programming experience. You'll need a laptop computer for both sessions - let us know if you need to borrow one.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

Volunteer Hours
Every Tuesday, 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Street. Come practice skills and get bikes ready to redistribute. We are going to be planning focused volunteer activities each week based on shop needs as well as rotating bike mechanics practice or, as always, come plug away on our many bicycles that need refurbishing. People of all levels of experience are welcome — we all have some learning to do!

Open Hours
Come by our weekly Open Hours from 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Ave to work on your bike! We have tools, parts, and experienced mechanics on hand to teach you what you need to know to get your bike running well.
Our focus is on repairs and maintenance -- we want you to get your bike back out on the road! Something on your bike feel not quite right? Gears not shifting smoothly? Chain making an annoying squeaking sound? Bring it by! However, this isn't the right space for super involved projects (e.g. building a complete bike out of spare parts), and we occasionally won't have the resources on hand for particular repairs. In those cases we can point you in the right direction for your project!
No cost, but donations are always accepted.
Visite nuestras horas abiertas de 6 a 8pm en 50 Sims Ave. para trabajar en su bicicleta. Tendremos herramientas, piezas y mecánicos experimentados a mano para enseñarle lo que necesita saber para que su bicicleta funcione bien.
Nuestro enfoque está en las reparaciones y el mantenimiento: ¡queremos que vuelva a poner su bicicleta en la carretera! ¿Algo en tu bicicleta no te parece bien? ¿Las marchas no cambian facilmente? ¿La cadena hace un sonido molesto? ¡Tráelo! Sin embargo, este no es el espacio adecuado para proyectos muy complicados (por ejemplo, construir una bicicleta completa con piezas), y ocasionalmente no tendremos los recursos disponibles para reparaciones particulares. En esos casos, podemos indicarle la dirección correcta para su proyecto.
Sin costo, pero siempre se aceptan donaciones.

PBC Workshop Series: Intro to Web Development – Session 1
In this two-part workshop, participants will learn the fundamentals of web development, namely HTML and CSS. We'll demystify the jargon used in the tech industry, familiarize ourselves with the tools used in web development, and get hands-on experience building and styling a simple webpage. This course assumes no prior web development or programming experience. You'll need a laptop computer for both sessions - let us know if you need to borrow one.
Sign up for this and other workshops: https://bit.ly/PBCWinterWorkshops2024

Volunteer Hours
Every Tuesday, 6 to 8pm at 50 Sims Street. Come practice skills and get bikes ready to redistribute. We are going to be planning focused volunteer activities each week based on shop needs as well as rotating bike mechanics practice or, as always, come plug away on our many bicycles that need refurbishing. People of all levels of experience are welcome — we all have some learning to do!